Often these days we feel we need a weight loss plan or talk therapy to feel good about ourselves. By aligning our selves from within we find courage, strength, balance and self love. Inner alignment uses techniques such as breathing exercises, chakra balancing, Ayerveda(Energy typing), movement(yoga), and guided meditation to rewire your body, mind and spirit. Learning to enjoy the moment is critical in this busy day and age. You will find less frustration, anger and disappointment in day to day activities. Improved relationships at work, with your children and spouses. Time to Align yourself again and feel alive each moment.
I help people overcome disconnection from themselves to achieve self-love and balance by realigning their heart connection and making themselves a priority.
Is your heart craving connection?
Are you looking for a life full of love and compassion for yourself and others?
AUG 9TH-11TH 2024
(overnight acommodations avail)
$599 Early Bird $585 till 5/1
Paypal or
Venmo @Laura-Killian-2
OCT 18-20TH
$420 Paypal or
Venmo @Laura-Killian-2
$175 per Session(90 Minutes per session)
Reiki is a healing technique based the principle that the healer can channel energy into the patient to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well being. It is administered by "laying on Hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive".
INNER ALIGNMENT (Childhood Trauma Healing)
Inner Alignment program works to transform your life in two months. An intense system designed to remove the old trauma packets that keep you stuck in the same patterns in relationships, career, parenting, and everyday life. We will focus on where you are imbalanced in mind body and spirit and realign you for more joy and ease in your day to day life. Each client is different and we will customize a self care plan so you can maintain balance now and into the future.
( email for more information)
Laura Killian is an inner Alignment Coach and Soul Retrieval Healer trained with Kim Beekman, CTI Life Coach, and Master Reiki Teacher/ Practioner. Laura has helped her clients reconnect to their inner peace by creating balance and self-awareness. Her gift is helping others remember to get back in their heart and live a life of natural ease with greater clarity and grace.
Laura is a mother of two children, Alivia(19) and Brock(18). She has been married for 19Years to her husband Patrick. Laura has been on a spiritual journey since 2004 seeking balance and connection. Laura is involved in farming, dental hygiene(RETIRED), Reiki, and coaching. She enjoys camping, reading, yoga, and nature.
Laura began this type of realignment in October of 2017 with her teacher and dear friend Sara Madkour. Through this rewiring and alignment she reconnected to her source and was able to not only lose 18 pounds but instill a self care program daily to help her enjoy her busy hectic life.
Laura is a certified Level 3 Soul retrieval healer/teacher. She has been trained to heal our childhood trauma deep within the body so we can. live our best adult lives without replaying our trauma and filtering life and relationships through our wounds. Even with the best upbringing we experience traumas at school, dance class, or pretty much any fears that happened in our childhood. Trauma is stored deep within our body from approximately the age of 2-23 years old due to an underdeveloped pre frontal cortex of the brain. Mental therapy is helpful for mental understanding of our patterns but doesn't get to the root within the body. Inner alignment coaching and healing can help you heal and rewire at the source in 8-10 weeks instead of 8-20 years.
"Laura is amazing, her quality of care, listening, and getting you to look deeper into why and how you are reacting to life's difficulties. I have a much clearer understanding of myself and how to deal with my triggers and use my voice. I am so very thankful for the time I shared with her." Kathleen F.
"Laura created a space in which I felt supported and safe to be honest and vulnerable. She was able to listen fully and sift what I shared to guide me through whatever required resolution at that moment. During the time she coached me, Laura maintained a compassionate patience that allowed my authentic self to step out and into our sessions with greater confidence. She has the capacity to intuitively connect the heart to whatever is being experienced. I felt honored during the time she worked with me and am deeply grateful for her and her coaching talent." Amy M.
"Laura has mastered the ability to balance strong tactical coaching skills along with her deep spiritual practice. This resulted in me having the space to move through personal and professional challenges that other modalities were historically unable to address. Her heart-based techniques allowed me to find compassion for my shadow qualities, while celebrating they are part of all that I am. I am amazed at how far I was able to come in 8 short weeks and am blessed that she is guiding me through this journey." Matt B
"I Loved knowing that someone was thinking of me daily and sending me positive energy. Laura's love changed me." JMS
"Laura is a gem and excellent coach. We connected immediately and she has a genuine gift for healing"
Jennifer B
"It felt so good to have someone care about me and my healing. There was no judgement, only healing. I felt supported every step of the way." Gina S